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May 7, 2023

Welcome to Series 2 - Episode 101 of one of the best ways to spend 60 seconds!

Welcome to Series 2 - Episode 101 of one of the best ways to spend 60 seconds!

Welcome to the 101st episode of the "Coffee Break" podcast!

Today, we have a thrilling segment that will leave you amazed and wanting for more. We are talking about some mind-boggling facts that will leave you awestruck!

Did you know that the fear of small spaces is called claustrophobia? It's a significant problem for elevator attendants who have to spend long hours in the tiny chamber.

And, did you know that actor Nicholas Cage once accidentally purchased a stolen dinosaur skull and had to return it to Mongolia? Who would have thought that a Hollywood star would be into such stuff?

But, wait, there's more!

In Wales, there is a sheep that can recognise its own name. Yes, you heard that right! Most people assume that all sheep are bad at that, but this one is an exception.

And, did you know that the human body produces enough saliva in a lifetime to fill two swimming pools? That's a lot of saliva, and it's quite valuable too!

Lastly, let's talk about sloths and their unique defecation habits. Did you know that they only defecate once a week? It's hard to believe, but it's true. Now, that's what I call a relaxed lifestyle!

To wrap it up, I have a joke for you. Chris Dabbs once told his wife that she was drawing her eyebrows too high, and she looked surprised. Haha! I hope you enjoyed these fascinating facts and the joke.

Stay tuned for more exciting segments on the "Coffee Break" podcast.